This chat happened this morning between me and an awesome new friend I met online today. I came across his work while stalking* (clears throat)..err..checking up on my friends activities on Facebook.
Lovegoodhead: hi
Artloverno.1: hello
Lovegoodhead: I saw your pictures in my friend Trixie's profile page. They are amazing.
Artloverno.1: thanks a lot. I think I know her .
Lovegoodhead: aiit. Do you read novels?
Artloverno.1: yea..I do. Sometimes.
Lovegoodhead: cool, I love to read and write. I have an account on wattpad and I would like you to check out the app so that you can have an idea of the favor I'm about to ask.
Artloverno.1: huh..OK. I used to read a lot before but school load has reduced my free time. I really don't have that luxury for now.
Lovegoodhead: ok..well then. You might not have time to do the stuff for me then.
Artloverno.1: can't be entirely sure. What's the favor?
Lovegoodhead: I wanted you to make a cover for my story.
Artloverno.1: cover art?
Lovegoodhead: I guess. One of your pictures I liked and commented on inspired my request.
Artloverno.1: really?..not sure I got the notification. Will check again.
Artloverno.1: can't see it. When was this? What's the title of the
Lovegoodhead: I can't remember but it's a picture of a virtual woman standing under the rays of the sun.
Lovegoodhead: or something*.
Artloverno.1: Oooo..I see * THE REBIRTH?#
Lovegoodhead: yup. That's it. I would like a cover like that with the book title and my name.
Artloverno.1: is this a job proposal?
Lovegoodhead: umm.. not a job per se. This is why I wanted you to check out the app or website.
Artloverno.1: this urgent?
Lovegoodhead: Nope. Not urgent at all.i could wait for a trillion years if you like :D
Lovegoodhead: whether you decide to do this for me or not, your work is really great and you have a fan right here.
Lovegoodhead: it would be nice though if you check out the story before you decide.
Artloverno.1: wow!..I'm honored. You won't have to wait too long. Though reading it asap isn't a promise I can make. My work load is crazy at the moment but I definitely will.
Artloverno.1 : is your story the only one there?
Lovegoodhead : Nope there are LOTS! .
Artloverno.1 : lemme understand.. This art your asking it for the entire page or a single story?
Lovegoodhead : hmm..OK.(how do i explain this) it's just like a book. It needs a cover. It's got one now..*made it myself (and is quite crappy if I must confess).
Artloverno.1 : Oooo..OK. I think I get it now.
Lovegoodhead : yup.. That's why I want you to check it out. Then you'll have an idea of what I want.
Artloverno.1 : OK dear. Will check it out.
Lovegoodhead : no worries. I can wait.
Lovegoodhead : the more striking your cover art is, the more people want to check out the story. The more people who check it out, the more readers and fans I get and the more fans I have the sooner I take over the world!.. (*in Brain"s voice)
Artloverno.1 : O.o ..hmm. OooK. But you have to wait. Thesis work is so crazy at the moment.
Lovegoodhead : no problems.. my plans to TOTALLY DOMINATE THE WORLD can wait.
Artloverno.1 : lmao!'re very funny.
Lovegoodhead : nah. I'm just roping you in. (Cheshire smile).
Artloverno.1 : lol. I will be sure to check it out and let you know. I'm actually quite busy right now. Doing multiple stuff while chatting with you.
Artloverno.1 : yeah that reminds me.. here's my Facebook art page, it's separate from my personal profile. *(withheld for obvious reasons)
Lovegoodhead : yay! More awesome pictures! Don't fear if your screen feels wet or slimy. That's my saliva. (*drool!). I'm off to slobber on some great pictures.
Artloverno.1 : lol. Thanks for the support. You sound like an art enthusiast.
Lovegoodhead : lol..I guess. I love cartoons, anime and manga. But I should never be told to draw at gunpoint or there will be bloodshed.
Artloverno.1 : hahaha..why?!
Lovegoodhead : that gift is definitely not in my genes.
Artloverno.1 : naa. I think it's there. If you love art, you have it inside.
Lovegoodhead : but can't make it except I write or cook it,RIGHT....
Artloverno.1 : yeah. That too.They are all connected.
Lovegoodhead : wow! We've spent hours chatting. I just read right through from the top. It's quite interesting. Do you mind if I share it?
Artloverno.1 : share it how?
Lovegoodhead : i mean.. I would like to make a short story of it. Please say yes..!
Artloverno.1 : I'm kind of a private person. Well..provided that it's not connected to me, I guess it shouldn't be a problem.
Lovegoodhead : yes!..(thank you, thank you, thank you) don't fear. It will have none of your personal information. There will be no mention of your ancestors, generation or your self.
Artloverno.1 : lol..OK. I have to go. It's been nice chatting with you.
Lovegoodhead : yes it has..*big hug* just lemme know when ever you do check it out. My user name is the same and the story is titled *DECEPTION (LGBT).
Artloverno.1: alright I will. :D *hugs*
Lovegoodhead: and thanks for listening to me ramble. Bye.
Artloverno.1 : lol.. twas really nice meeting you. Have a lovely day. Bye.
Author's Note. very soon I'm gonna get a new awesome cover for my story free (chuckles) and I made an interesting friend. (Yay!) very soon I'm gonna get a new awesome cover for my story free (chuckles) and I made an interesting friend. (Yay!)
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