Tuesday, June 25, 2013


How it all started

   I have always been curious about life on the other side of sexuality especially after i came across some same sex novels so when the opportunity arose to explore (in a literary sense) i grabbed it with both hands.

    Friday last week i had nothing doing and didn't feel like trolling wattpad, i checked the apps on the Google play store for new or interesting games and such and that was how i came across this chat app. A gay chat app ( this is where opportunity came in).

     Now i can give you lies about how i didn't know when i logged in and made a profile with a male name or claim the devil pushed me. The truth as i told you earlier was i was curious. So i logged in and used a picture of one of my close male friends( who must never know that his picture is now on a gay chat site or else am dead!) .

   I had just finished creating my profile when my elder sister came into the room to tell me something crazy that had happened to her that day *as usual* so it took a while before i remembered to check and when i did imagine my surprise! I had more than a dozen friend requests from men all around the world. Fat, skinny, old and young but the one that stood out to me the most was this dude from Egypt.

 Now that was an excellent specimen. His picture was half nude (and before you wonder which half..he was shirtless) . I accepted his request and we chatted for a while (which really meant all day and night whenever we were free).. Don't ask what we talked about am still blushing as i write this but you should know that he gave the word NAUGHTY a new definition.

   We talked for days then he asked me for my blackberry pin which i gave. Now, Am sure you must be wondering about my mental state to do this with a gay guy but in my defense i was just having fun. It took a while but yesterday i decided to share my guilty pleasure with my bestie and she didn't share my point of view.

She was on my case about how i was giving the dude false hope and all that (which was true and i wont want to be on the receiving end of) . So i agreed to come clean with him, i couldn't just ignore him it wont be fair after spending all that time talking.. i had to do it right.

So dear reader imagine how nervous i was when i pinged him this morning and told him, for like 30 mins there was no response then he sent me a message asking for my number. Wooha! So many thoughts ran through my head. Did he want to call me and curse me for messing with him?, was he trying to trace my location to find me and kill me?, was he an assassin?. Lol.. yeah i went there.

Before my mind would explode, i called my bestie and she said maybe he just wanted to talk and find out why a girl would impersonate a guy or maybe he even fell for me and i turned a gay guy straight! So yeah..i sent him my number.

   An international call came through as i gobbled my breakfast, i picked and heard a chic with a foreign accent say hello, my name is H*****. I was like what?!wrong number . She laughed and said nah that she was sure she dialed the right one. she introduced herself again then went on to give me a gist about a girl that got curious and decided to join a gay chat site.

 We laughed about it and i got to find that more than half the guys are actually chics there..wtf! (At least now i know am not the only weirdo out there).

So that's how i waved goodbye to the fantasy of white sandy beaches and topless H*****. But Don't stress dear reader, I've got like 20 other friend requests..i will keep you posted. Not all of them could possibly be chics..the research continues.

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